"This is Kinda cool."
"Don't get cocky Asuka. You may have training but this is the first real time."
Auron was concerned for Asuka's health. Although this was just training, if Asuka were to get injured in anyway, there would be not pilot for Gundam and the project would fail.
"I'll make sure not to get shot." Asuka stuck her tongue out at Auron over the video contact.
"I'm starting!" Auron was trying to re-grab Asuka's attention. Auron clicked the close button and her silly face disappeared.
Auron adjusted some of the controls to his personal benefit and then prepared to pick up his weapon. He grabbed his pistol from the skirt around his GUN. He pointed it at Asuka in the Gundam. His finger inched toward the trigger. Asuka's joking face suddenly broke and her attention focused towards his gun.
There was a loud bang and smoke rose from Auron's pistol and Asuka was no where in sight. Auron turned left and saw nothing. Right before he could face rightwards, a metal fist hit his GUN in the face.
"Ha! And you're telling me to watch out!" Asuka was proud of herself.
Auron lay almost lifeless on the ground. But this was the disguise he was able to pull off against Asuka. He made a quick swipe with his leg to try to throw off Asuka's balance. Asuka fell over and hit the ground face down. Auron got up and looked down upon the Gundam.
"Pathetic. Never let your guard dow--"
There was a sudden uppercut and it threw Auron back. He hit the ground hard while bracing himself. He looked over and saw the Gundam bring out it's pistol. Asuka fired three shots at Auron. The bullets hit the arm that Auron was now defending with. The bullets exploded on contact and began to foam.
"we're not using real bullets? Hm, whatever. I wouldn't want to shoot down our grunt pilot, right?" Asuka teased Auron a bit before heading in to test out her arm blade.
The section right above the Gundam's wrist was a sharp triangular shaped piece of armor made for close combat. There was weapons that were already developed that brought the weaponry of the mobile suits back to the medieval style of fighting, but those were put aside due to little advantage they would have over the arm blades.
Asuka was right about to stab the GUN's arm when Auron kciked her back.
"Not bad Asuka. You're beating even me at this."
Right as Auron said that, the alarms went off.
"Incoming Leo-Class Eastern transport ship coming in from the northwest! I repeat, incoming Leo-class Eastern transport Ship coming in from the Northwest!"
"What the hell?!" Asuka and Auron seemed to be synced together when their reactions came.
Auron and Asuka both looked to the east, their backsides happened to be facing north. They saw a large transporter coming in and saw what looked like black mobile suits. They came crashing down within 100 feet of the Gundam and GUN Model. Auron jumped in front of ASuka and fired his pistol at one of the mobile suits. The bullets hit the head of the suit, but only to start foaming.
"Dammit! I forgot we have test bullets. Asuka, We're going to fight them off long enough so that the Orion can start up and prepare to leave!"
"You have no right to be bossing me around!" Asuka said this, even knowing that Auron was making the right decision.
"We have no choice! We need to protect these with all of our life!"
Asuka, gritted her teeth and leaped ahead of Auron and grabbed one of the black mobiles suits and grabbed her arm blade and stabbed it straight through the cockpit. Auron stood by in awe of how ruthless Asuka had been against the opposing forces. He followed up after her and grabbed one of the black mobile suits and threw it against the ground. He crushed the head with his foot while preparing to defend himself against a round of machine gun fire from the other two mobile suits. He remained in his position, unable to move until the spray of bullets stopped. Asuka took this chance to get in and stop them, since their attention was focused on the GUN.
"I think we have the Gundam unable to oppose us sir!" One of the enemy grunts was telling his captain.
"You sure that's the Gundam new guy?" the leader was also unsure about the models and could not tell the difference between the models.
Asuka pulled off the arm blade to reveal an even sharper edge. It was as if a sword was sticking out of the arm itself. She saw that the cover was covered in blood from the pilot she had just killed. Asuka froze and stopped her actions. The cover dropped to the ground.
"Ahhh!!!!!!" Asuka screamed at the top of her lungs. She started breathing heavily.
"Asuka! What's wrong! Asuka!" Auron's sudden concern made him even more nervous. She was now an open target. The stream of bullets finally stopped as well. The two machines were headed towards the Gundam.
"Heeeeeell No!"
Auron ran towards the two black mobile suits and punched one straight in the head. He fell over and Auron did a quick knee to the second suit that was following it's leader. He picked up Gundam and started a contact with Asuka.
"Asuka! Snap out of it!"
Asuka froze once again and began to breathe normally. She looked at Auron's face on the screen and began to chuckle.
"You...should see the the face you have right now. Ahaha...haha.."
Auron looked at Asuka weird and wondered what was so funny at a moment like this. But right then, Asuka passed out.
"Hey! Asuka!"
She didn't respond.
He turned around and looked to see an orange mobile suit of the same type they just fought entering the base. Auron didn't know what to do. Save Asuka or save the military. Auron's mind was torn.
What do I do...
My mind says save the base...
But for some reason, my heart is telling me to save Asuka...
What is this feeling?
Auron looked again to see the orange mobile suit leave already. But when it turned to scan the area, it saw Auron.
"Aw, shit!"
He ran with the Gundam in the hands of the GUN Model. He ran as fast as he could towards the newly starting Orion battle-ship. The back hatch opened up, signaling Auron to return. But another mechanical figure could me seen from the very brim of the hanger. Another GUN model was there with a sniper rifle aim in the same direction as Auron.
"Hop in Auron!"
That was David's voice!
Auron didn't hesitate and lept into the Orion. Right as he hit the hanger floor, the ship shook a bit and a gun shot was heard.
"Damn! My aim was off!"
David had taken a shot towards the orange mobile suit while they were escaping, but his shot was thrown off when the ship shook. The bullet only happened to skim the edge of the shoulder of the orange mobile suit. The hatch of the Orion closed and Auron and Asuka now rest safely in the new battle ship. Auron had almost forgotten about Asuka when making his way here. He brought the Gundam to the floor and lay it on its back.
Auron open his hatch and ordered a scissor lift to bring him down. One of the mechanics drove it over to the cockpit of the GUN Model and lowered Auron down to the ground. But before he got to the ground, he hopped onto the Gundam and ran over to the cockpit.
He looked for the secret panel that next to the lid of the cockpit and turned the handle. A sudden burst of air came out of the cockpit and the cockpit door opened. Asuka was laying in a lifeless position.
"Asuka. Wake up. Asuka."
Auron removed her helmet and lightly tapped her on the face. Her eyes eventually became a small sliver, then eventually opened to its fullest. Asuka was staring at Auron's face. Her face turned a bit red and started yelling at Auron.
"Auron! Out! Out!"
Auron backed out and leapt back onto the hanger grounds. His face was had a light red tint and he walked towards the exit to the ship hallways. David had caught up to him.
"Takin' a liking towards the new girl? Hmm?"
Auron's face truly turned red after that. Aurons head practically swung towards David.
"No! It's not like that! I was--I was just helping a fellow comrade!"
"Auron!! Hey! Get your ass over here!"
Asuka was calling Auron from her Gundam. Auron looked towards her and then once at David and then back at Asuka and he ran towards the Gundam. He arrived right next to the arms of the Gundam and stood there, watching Asuka coming down from the Gundam.
Asuka took her last leap down off the Gundam and landed right in front of Gundam.
"Listen Auron..." Asuka's head began to lower and look in a different direction.
"Asuka, I'm sorr-"
"No, you don't need to apologize. You were just doing what was right. If you hadn't taken me here...."Her head came up again, but she was still looking away from him.
"I might have died out there. Thanks, Auron." Her face was as red as his. Auron stood there, staring at Asuka. They both didn't know what to do next. The silence almost seemed necessary.
"Hurry up, lovers, we gotta head to the bridge for our new briefing." David had snuck up to Auron and Asuka and placed his arms over Auron's shoulder.
"Ugh, I told you David-"
"Let's go Auron!"
Asuka grabbed Auron and pushed him ahead of herself. He turned back and saw Asuka's smiling face.
"Those machines, the DaiSenshis, were created by the Easterners using superior technology. Our tanks, planes, and bombers have almost no power against them. The Gundam Unit Network Model, or GUN Model as you guys like to call it, along with Gundam are the only weapons capable of actually harming the exterior of the DaiSenshis." Captain Garnet reviewed the very basic facts baout the DaiSenshis, the black eastern mobile suits.
"we have almost no idea what they did to the Tornoto base, but the base seemed have been captured almost imediatly. It's up to you guys to help in this operation to recapture our home base. Got that?"
"Yes, sir!"Asuka and Auron both saluted Captain Garnet and walked out of the bridge.
"Ah, kids these days. So young and throwing their lives into the military..."
"So what exactly are we doing?" Asuka looked over at Auron, who was looking around in the hallways.
"Well, assuming Garnet is making this a rescue and capture plan, we're probably going to be destroying enemy forces stationed around the base and then enter and destroy any forces within. Then we'll corner the leader of this group and all will end well. Oh, and by the way, where's your brother?"
"Masaki? Well, I don't know. I'm sure he made it on board. After all, he's just a civilian. He was staying here with me for a dew days...."
Right then, the two stopped in front of the wall next to the cafeteria. There, a long sheet of paper stating all of the on board passengers, was hanging in front of them. Asuka checked the list and as she reached the end of the list, her heart sank. Masaki Takahashi, was indeed, not on the list. Asuka's face went blank and she fell onto the floor, her legs almost making a V-shape.
"Is he dead?"